Expertise & Projects
We bring our expertise and technology to every agri initiative, establishing a sustainable farming model for farmers and sandbox environment for agri-tech companies.
Passionate team with a strong implementation approach by collaborating with futuristic agri-tech & farmer communities.

Farming Automation
NeoAura, one of the finest agri-tech company from Germany & India work with agriDNA to support our farmers & FPCs in providing farming automation solutions. NeoIndus & NeoVector bring great comfort to the farmers in understanding the farm needs.

Drone Tech
agriDNA invested in a drone startup and work with multiple other drone startups to offer crop health monitoring, spraying bio pesticides and fertilizers precisely, and even planting seeds for FPCs. Drones save time & effort and protect farmers & labour health.

Farmer Producer Company
Sreshta Farms, a Farmer Producer Company with a group of ~200 farmers is our first initiative in bringing technology to the farmers. Started in Nov 2021, Sreshta Farms is our commitment to farming community to build a trusted household brand in the country.

Climate Tech
Carbon sequestration and capturing it with technology for carbon markets is a responsible way of revenue generation while focusing on sustainability. agriDNA works with Climate Tech companies to bring this awareness.

Smart Stores
agriDNA channelised multiple FPCs to come together to start offline stores to make the produce available in the market. Our first store is in Kollipara and launching new stores shortly, selling natural grocery items.

Online Market Place
eCommerce help our farmers sell across the country and understand the bigger market needs. agriDNA market place allow multiple FPCs launch their products and offer directly to the end consumers.